Title: Masochism Fandom: FFVIII Pairing: Quistis/Fujin Prompt: Pain Rating: PG Words: 100 Author's Note: I worked out too much, my girl was sick and taking a nap... Semi-interprative literature insued.
Title: Pain Fandom: Final Fantasy XII: ogc Pairing: Fran/Penelo Prompt: Pain Rating: NC17 Words: 300 Author's Note: Crappy title, sorry. Fran/Penelo smut ahead. Painplay, D/s, bondage warnings ahead. <.< I need to stop writing these two. They get more perverted the more time goes on. XD ---
Title: Listen to the Pieces Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Original Game Pairing: Aerith/Tifa Prompt: Pain Rating: R Words: 200 Spoilers?: None you wouldn't have to know already to get.